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I’m a ex-developer, now VP, working on a multi-department engineering organization providing technology products for internal customers at a large mobile games company.

Things I may post about include - science, space, technology, programming, gadgets, circuit-bending, 3d printing, books, writing, photography, nature, skepticism, archaeology, foods, health, data privacy and underwater things.

I work from home in Dublin (Ireland) most of the time, but having set up a Dublin office for the company I work for, I am in there now and then too.

During the year I tend to circulate between Dublin (Ireland), Barcelona (Spain), London (UK) and Stockholm (Sweden). Sometimes I can be found in St Jean-de-Monts (France). Rarely, I’ll be hanging around Blue Bay Nature Reserve (Mauritius). I’m planning to be found a bit more around Lanzarote (Spain).