- Jun 4, 2018 -
@manton I think it's important to even just think about it, and document what you can and can't do...
- Jun 3, 2018 -
@DazeEnd alas it is a legal document and will never have any of that good stuff in there — it’s up to us and others to construct sensible codes of conduct to act as guides...
- Jun 3, 2018 -
@joec It's unfortunate for you guys, alright. Everyone is in the same boat in terms of wondering WTF to do, including a hell of a lot of my customers! We will all get through this eventually.
- Jun 3, 2018 -
@joec @DazeEnd the thing with this legislation is that you can't really be "compliant" until all the weird corners are worked out. This will take 2-3 years of legal precedent. In the meantime, we got to do our best.
- Jun 3, 2018 -
@DazeEnd my lawyers say yes